
Showing posts from April, 2018


PARKINSON' DISEASE. (PD) Parkinson's disease refers to a long term neuro-degenerative disorder, which leads to continuously  deterioration of motor function due to loss of dopamine-producing brain cells. Parkinson's disease  is the second most common neuro-degenerative disease after Alzheimer’s disease. The risks factors of Parkinson's disease are age, hereditary, sex, head trauma and toxic exposure SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS OF PARKINSON'S DISEASE. Symptoms of Parkinson's  disease are usually begin gradually and mostly often affect one side of the body then later affect another side: Motor symptoms: tremor (Trembling of extremities, jaw and face) stiffness (rigidity of extremities and truck) slowness of movement poor coordination (difficult in walking)      2. Non motor symptoms: Neuro-psychiatric:                             -mood change,                             -behavior change,                             -cognition and


NEPHROPATHY (KIDNEY DISEASES). left kidney is affected with diabetes light kidney is normal. Nephropathy or Kidney diseases is among of the most serious complication for person who is diabetic mellitus . Nephropathy has consist few symptoms/signs in its early stage of diabetes compared with other disorders associated with Type 2 Diabetes mellitus. It takes long period of time for the kidney with nephropathy to show first symptoms.  SYMPTOMS AND SIGNS OF KIDNEY DISEASES. In many cases no symptoms and signs of nephropathy appear until the kidney are not functioning well. There are various symptoms that show kidney could be at risk: Swelling of the face, ankles and legs Loss of appetite Fluid retention (hydrops) Feeling tiredness and weakness Persisted Headache Stomach discomfort Nausea and vomiting RISK FACTORS FOR NEPHROPATHY. Despite of Diabetes be the one of cause of kidney diseases, There are other risk factors of Nephropathy as follows: Diabetes Uncont


DIABETES MELLITUS (DM) Refers to a group of common metabolic disorders in which there are marked increase of blood sugar level (hyperglycemia). There are several types of Diabetes mellitus caused by complex interaction of genetic and environmental factors. Depend on the case of origin of Diabetes mellitus, factors that contribute to high blood sugar includes: Reduced Insulin secretion, Decreased glucose utilisation and, Increased glucose production. Defect in body energy regulation that is energy production and utilization lead to multiple organs complication and early mortality. This metabolic defect associated with Diabetes mellitus cause secondary patho-physiogic damage in several organs systems. Diabetes can lead to End Stage Renal diseases (ESRD), non-traumatic lower extremity amputations, Adult blindness and even predisposing to cardiovascular diseases. CLASSIFICATION OF DIABETES MELLITUS There are two broad categories of Diabetes mellitus, Classificatio


DIABETES IN PREGNANCY. pregnant women Diabetes is most serious condition during pregnancy and can cause problems to both mother and developing foetus. Proper management of diabetes during pregnancy is required to prevent birth defect to foetus and other health problems. There are two groups of diabetes in pregnancy: Pre-gestational diabetes Refers to the type 1 or type 2 diabetes that preexist prior to pregnancy. Pre-gestational diabetes is associated with many maternal and foetal complications during pregnancy compared  to gestational diabetes. Gestational diabetes Is defined as glucose intolerance that is first diagnosed during the pregnancy and can be disappear  after the end of the pregnancy. RISK FACTORS FOR DIABETES IN PREGNANCY. Overweight (obesity) High blood pressure (hypertension) Previous history of diabetes Family history with diabetes (runs through family) low carbs diet HOW DOES PREGNANCY TRIGGERS DIABETES. The risk of developing h


URINARY TRACT INFECTIONS. UTI is most cause of difficult in urination Urinary tract infections are among the most common health problem in community that affects urinary (renal) system (kidney, ureter, bladder and urethra). Infections of the urinary tract can categorized into two based on anatomical position: Lower tract infection (cystitis and urethritis) Upper tract infection ( acute pyelonephritis and sometimes prostatitis, intra-renal and peri-nephric infection). Infections at these site may develop together or independently and may manifest with symptoms or may be asymptomatic. renal system CAUSES OF URINARY TRACT INFECTIONS. UTI can occur when bacteria enter urinary system and infect any part of  the system, the most common is bladder (cystitis) sometime infection can spread into kidney and cause acute pyelonephritis. There are many micro-organisms that infect urinary tract but the most common agents are the gram negative bacilli ( Escherichia coli


DIABETIC KETOACIDOSIS Ketone bodies in urine is one diagnostic features of DKA A serious condition / complication of Diabetes Mellitus that appear when high amount / level of blood acid called ketones are produced. This conditions develops when there is insufficient amount of insulin, Primary Insulin is essential for the aid sugar (glucose) is a major source of energy for the body's tissue enter into the cells for the utilization, without Insulin body can not utilize glucose as a source of energy instead it breaks down fats as fuel. Blood acid (Ketones) are produced by this process and it accumulate into blood stream and eventually leads to Diabetic Ketoacidosis if remain without be treated. DIAGNOSIS OF DIABETIC KETOACIDOSIS Diagnosis of diabetic ketoacidosis is based into three bases, such as: Clinical History (Symptoms)  -Weakness and fatique -confusion / loss of concentration -Polyuria (abnormal large amount of urine) -Polyipsia (excessive thirs