PNEUMONIA: symptoms, causes and classification.

PNEUMONIA. pneumonia Pneumonia is an infection of lung primarily affect air sacs known as alveoli in one or both lungs, can be caused by microbes includes bacteria, viruses, or fungi. When an individual has pneumonia the air sacs (alveoli) in lungs become filled with microbes, fluid and inflammatory cells and result in difficult in breathing. SYMPTOMS AND SIGNS OF PNEUMONIA. Pneumonia symptoms can be mild to severe illness, and they vary according to etiology, severity and general heath of a person. Early symptoms of pneumonia include: cough with yellow or green mucus sharp or stabbing chest pain fever with shaking or chills shortness of breath excessive sweating cyanosis (bluish discolouration of the lips and nails) weakness (fatigue) confusion pneumonia affect air sac CLASSIFICATION AND CAUSES OF PNEUMONIA Pneumonia can be caused by infection of viruses, bacteria and less common fungi and parasites. Anyone can get this lung infection. ...